domenica 23 maggio 2010

What is an on line social media?

The first time I read the term social media I got puzzled...what is an on line social media?!! Ok, I admit my ignorance but you should know that I am a digital immigrant and not a digital, for all digital immigrant like me, I will post a simple description of what a on line digital media is. If you are a cool digital native you can skip this blog, but there is the possibility that even you taht are born in the 21st century could learn something...or maybe not.

The source for the following content is the web site:

With the term "social media" they define various activities that integrate technology, social interaction and the construction of words, pictures, videos and audio. Simply put is people having conversation on line.
The conversation are powered by: blogs, micro blogs, on line chat, social networks, podcasts, wikis, etc...
This media is a fundamental shift in the way we communicate. The old communication model was a monologue. It is ineteresting to notice that:
- only 18 percent of TV and campaign generate a positive ROI;
- 90 percent of the people that can skip TV ads, actually do;
- only 14 percent of people trust ads while 78 percent of them trust the recommendations of other onsumers.

The new communication model is a dialogue "consumer-driven" and not "product-driven". A it is absolutly necessary that this new model of communication be consumer driven since:
- 34 percent of internet users post opinions about companies products andbrands on their blogs;
- 36 percent think more positively about companies that have blogs;
- 32 percent of the internet users trust bloggers opinions on products and services.

speaking of the future, tomorrow consumers are today digital natives and by 2010 Millenians/gen Y-ers will outnumber Baby Boomers:
- they already wield 370 billion /year in direct spending power;
- spend > 16 hour/week on line;
- 96 percent of them have joined a social netork;
- most important, they do not care about companies ads, they care about what their friends thinks.

All these data clearly indicate that brands and companies will have difficulties in surviving without an online social media. The power of the net do not require compromises...just adaptation!

1 commento:

  1. New avenues of communication has been open by social media. There is more interaction between customers and manufacturers, sharing needs, wants, desires and thoughts. In this interaction, companies can capitalize on the customer´s creativity and feedback for its own advantage.

    However, are top-down companies prepared to empower its customers? Is your company ready for following a social media strategy?

    Some companies have erroneously thought they can control all the content in its blog, facebook or twitter. For example, Walmart didn't allow customers to have an open dialog in its facebook webpage. Instead, they restricted comments and feedbacks to posting on wall. If you don´t want to listen to the others why you ask them its opinion?

    Be prepared. A social media can either fortify or diminish your reputation, your brand.
